in past years, i remember how i would somehow always get sick in the fall/winter time, usually with some sort of sinus infection. i thought it was just what happened when the seasons changed, but it got to a point where i finally decided to try to combat this yearly problem by being proactive in my wellness all year round. since i've started to incorporate these tips into my lifestyle, i (thank goodness) feel ill waaaay less.

below: a few things i like to remember/eat/do to help keep my body above the wellness line:

1. hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
i'm pretty sure we all know how good it is to drink your recommended daily water intake ("remember, half your weight in ounces!") but i must admit, i often forget this one. 

in the past few years, i've started bringing a 20-32oz water bottle with me, pretty much everywhere i go to help remind myself to keep drink all throughout the day, which has really helped! i like to set a goal of ~100oz. a day—sometimes i hit it, other times i don't, but it's the thought that counts, right?

2. eat well
i love filling my diet with a whole lotta whole plant foods (fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes) and healthy fats (salmon, chia seeds, olive oil, avocado), AND fermented foods (yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir), especially as the fall/winter seasons come around. 

i've recently been really into crockpot recipes—i love that they require minimal preparation, are low maintenance, and the end result is absolutely delicious. i usually take stock of what's currently in my fridge and cupboards, head over to pinterest, and search until i find a hearty & healthy meal.

(if you're into meal prepping, this is a great way to plan and prepare your main meals for the week. i like to do most of all my cooking on saturday or sunday, letting the recipes simmer in the crockpot as i go about my weekend to-dos. at the end of the day, my kitchen smells uh-mazing and i have at least half of my meals for the week ready to go!)

3. sleep soundly
i've always kinda been that person that loves to wake early (5:30am is priiime time for me) but always struggled winding down at a good time at night to get 7-8 hours of sleep. but, as i've been more intentional about heading to bed early, i've found i actually have much more energy and a better mood the next day (not to mention a boosted immune system to fight off sickness.) prioritizing sleep is one of the best things i've done for my health, by far.

a simple way to do this is to create a mindful morning & night routine. the key: start with the time to need to be on your way to work or onto your morning chores and work backward. from there, block every single thing you want to accomplish in your routine—5–10 minute increments 
per activity will do. it takes intentional planning, but in the end, you'll have a realistic plan for a productive & restful morning, not to mention your ideal bedtime too.

4. move every day
every day!! preferably outside! whether you choose a daily walk around your neighborhood, a 20-min hiit sesh, or a heavy lifting workout, moving your body has maaaany benefits. not only does it boost your immune system, but also uplifts your mood, strengthens your body, and (if you're outside) is a great way to get vitamin d from the sun. 

lil shameless plug here: i personally do all my workouts from home and LOVE it—i can workout anywhere there's wifi and space, they're only 20-45 minutes depending on the program i'm doing, and there's hundreds of real-time workouts to do, all created by professional fitness trainers—it's the best.

5. take your supplements
speaking of vitamins, supplements!! i am admittedly the woooorst at remembering to take my supplements. it is embarrassing. however, keeping the pills in a labeled pill case (i love this one!) and out in the open defeinitly helps. a few supps i personally take (& would recommend) for extra immune support would be zinc, vitamin d, a high-quality multivitamin and probiotic, and elderberry.

6. diffuse essential oils
i love diffusing essential oils! not only do they smell lovely and create a cozy atmosphere, but there have been many scientific studies showing how oils can purify and cleanse the air; nothing like adding a little extra protection to your home and health! my personal favorites for the fall/winter are 
thieves, lavender, eucalyptus, breathe again, raven, and frankincense.

7. minimize stress
stress is a normal part of life, but when it gets out of hand, our bodies can suffer. the solution is not necessarily to get rid of stress (this is not realistic) but to minimize it. be intentional about your time. create space in your busy schedule for rest. have fun! try something new! learn to be flexible when plans change and go with the flow. enjoy this season of life you're in—it won't last forever. (a fresh cup of coffee, a warm bath, and dark chocolate definitely help too.)

hopefully, these few tips help you stay well this season and inspire you to create new rhythms in your daily life. how are you staying well this season?

*disclaimer: this blog post is not intended to treat, cure, or provide medical diagnosis, and is for educational purposes only.*

i don’t want to forget these days—the in-between, the not-yet, the still-figuring-out-everything moments of life. i want to savor it all up for a rainy day, years from now, and remember the story that was—that is—being written.

the story of really tight budgets & simple living.
the early bedtimes and earlier mornings, usually.
the ups and downs of my 4w5 creative processes.
the discoveries of new hobbies.
the spontaneous drives out of town.
the laughter with lifelong friends, new and old.
the journaled prayers and morning matcha.
the tensions of figuring out life as a twenty-something-year-old.

& even with all the unknowns and (more) change ahead and (lots of) dreams for the future, one thing i do know:

there is nothing sweeter than growing closer to Jesus; nothing compares to knowing Him.
even in the waiting,
even in the change,
even in all the unknowns,
we can trust Him. He our true home, our steadfast rest, our forever peace that passes all understanding. we can trust Him with our stories, from beginning to end—the deep joys and deep pains, the blessings in disguise and undeserved grace—all for our good and His glory.

"there are too many people doing it already." 
"the market is over-saturated." 
"what is your market? who is your audience? (you should know this!)" 
"who would be interested in what you have to share?" 
"you'll make so many mistakes, why start?" 
"your words: they're too cliche." 
"your style: it's overdone." 
"your voice: it's too naive." 
"your ______: it's _______." 


somedays, it's hard to quiet the loudness inside. it's difficult, as a dreamer, to have so many passions, hobbies, favorites. so many things ideas i constantly want to pursue, projects i want to start, things i want to try.

and somedays, it's hard to hear anything other than ringing thoughts of doubt, of (maybe?) failure, of knowing there are millions of other humans on this planet, many of them who have already done all the things i love, that i want to do, want to try.

it's hard, yes, but i can i let you in on something? a small secret, if you will?

so far, i have started and stopped 9 different blogs. nine. (i think i remembered them all.)
i occasionally take to cooking or baking and debate whether it could be more than a hobby someday.
i started (and stopped, for now) an apparel & accessory online shop.
i have had countless hobbies in my life, including (but not limited to) keeping a daily diary of my very, extremely important elementary school days. 
writing and illustrating my own book series—the adventures of brownie—when i was 8. 
creating and selling handmade cards for 25 cents in middle school. 
playing viola in high school.
taking drawing classes in freshman year. 
knitting scarves in the summer. 
pottery and printmaking sophomore year. 
knitting (more) scarves in the summer. 
designing junior year. 
coding senior year.
writing and entrepreneurship and content creation post-college.

it seems as if there was always something i wanted to do, create, start, brainstorm—the life of an artist, am i right?—that was already someone else's "thing". when i was smaller, i didn't give it much thought, but as the years have gone by, the voices have gotten louder, creeping in and settling in the form of comparison, of (sometimes) regret, of the thief of my joy. and after 8? 9? "failed" blogs (they were not failures), those voices can get pretty loud.


but, can i let you in on another secret of sorts, one that i've often had to remind myself:

there is only one of me. one.

that means everything about how God has made me, has wired me—has made, has wired you—your voice, creativity, brain pathways, words, thoughts, quirks, passions; they are all unique to you. in the midst of it all, even if everyone and their mother has a blog or small business or podcast, even if the room looks full and all the seats are taken and there's not even standing room left, 
there is room for you. 
there is room for me. 
keep looking, there is room.

let me ask you: what are you drawn to? what are you head over heels for? what are the hobbies, the pastimes, the things that never seem to get old? that always excite you? that bring you energy and vibrancy and—dare i say—joy?

i can tell you for me, partly, it's this. right here. creating + writing + photographing + editing + putting all the pieces together—a finished puzzle, of sorts—to publish and post in my little corner of the internet, raising my now-empty cup of coffee in cheers of sharing my art, creativity, writings to the masses. small they may be (the masses), they are still people, friends, family; one-of-a-kind humans who might just need to hear your unique words, your new song; to see your freshly-painted painting or read your self-published book or buy your hand-crocheted beanie at that exact moment. there is always room.

yes, thousands of bloggers and artists and musicians and designers are out there already. yes, the doubts will still rise. yes, and yes and yes to a hundred other reasons to choose to not do the things we really, absolutely love. 

but today, i'm choosing to dream.
choosing to just go for it, fumbles and mistakes and re-dos (and 9 blogs and counting) and all.
choosing to because i head-over-heels love it.
choosing to keep going,
to create for fun,
to write to inspire.

there is always room;
for others,
for me.


and so, a few words to my fellow dreamers:

to those who have already started, to the ones who have found their favorite puzzle pieces, who are debating the swirling thoughts of scrapping the project, the pursuit, the passion—the entire puzzle:
⋒ don't stop. & keep going. we'll (i'll) be here, cheering you on, with an empty seat to my right.

to those who haven't:
⋒ just start. & keep going. we'll (i'll) be here, cheering you on, with an empty seat to my left.